
### 营养成分

1. **蛋白质**:燕窝含有大量的优质蛋白质,尤其是水溶性蛋白质,这些蛋白质易于被人体吸收,对于维持身体组织的修复和生长至关重要。

2. **碳水化合物**:燕窝中含有一定量的碳水化合物,这些成分可以为身体提供能量。


3. **氨基酸**:燕窝中含有人体必需的氨基酸,这些氨基酸有助于增强体质,促进新陈代谢。

4. **矿物质**:燕窝中富含多种矿物质,如钙、钠、钾等,有助于维持身体的电解质平衡。

5. **燕窝酸**:这是一种特有的成分,具有增强免疫力和促进细胞分裂的作用。

6. **表皮生长因子(EGF)**:这种生长因子可以刺激细胞分裂,促进人体组织强健,有助于延缓衰老和促进皮肤健康。

### 营养益处

1. **养阴润燥**:燕窝有滋阴润燥的作用,对于因肺燥引起的干咳、口干舌燥等症状有改善作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:燕窝中的燕窝酸和多种氨基酸可以增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

3. **美容养颜**:燕窝中的蛋白质和EGF可以促进皮肤细胞的新陈代谢,使皮肤光滑、有弹性,减少皱纹。

4. **改善消化系统**:燕窝可以增强胃黏膜的保护功能,有助于改善消化不良、胃痛等症状。

5. **促进睡眠**:燕窝有滋阴作用,通过滋补心血,可以起到镇静安神、促进睡眠的作用。

6. **对孕妇和婴幼儿的好处**:孕妇食用燕窝可以补充营养,促进胎儿发育,预防妊娠纹,同时也有助于产后恢复。婴幼儿食用燕窝可以增强体质,促进大脑发育。

### 适用人群



– 想要增强免疫力、改善体质的人。
– 需要美容养颜、延缓衰老的女性。
– 想要改善消化系统功能的人。
– 孕妇和婴幼儿。

### 禁忌人群

– 感冒发热者:感冒发热时,身体处于外邪入侵状态,食用燕窝可能会影响感冒症状的缓解。
– 蛋白质过敏者:燕窝含有生物活性蛋白,过敏体质的人应避免食用。



1. **滋补肝肾**:根据《本草纲目》的记载,枸杞具有补肾生精、养肝明目的功效。枸杞蜂蜜水可以滋补肝肾,对于肝肾不足、腰膝酸软等有缓解作用。

2. **增强免疫力**:枸杞蜂蜜水含有多种维生素、矿物质和微量元素,这些成分有助于增强人体的免疫力,提高抵抗力。

3. **抗疲劳**:枸杞蜂蜜水中的果糖和葡萄糖能迅速被身体吸收,为大脑和身体提供能量,对于缓解疲劳、提高工作效率有积极作用。

4. **明目**:枸杞被誉为“明目之宝”,枸杞蜂蜜水可以帮助改善视力,减少眼部疲劳。

5. **润肺止咳**:蜂蜜具有润肺止咳的功效,结合枸杞,可以更好地发挥润肺的作用。

6. **调节血糖**:枸杞和蜂蜜都具有调节血糖的效果,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **软化血管**:枸杞蜂蜜水有助于软化血管,降低血液中的胆固醇和甘油三酯水平,对心血管健康有益。

8. **美容养颜**:枸杞蜂蜜水可以提高皮肤吸收氧分的能力,具有美白、抗衰老的作用。

9. **促进消化**:蜂蜜能够促进胃酸正常分泌,增强肠蠕动,有助于消化。

10. **改善睡眠**:枸杞蜂蜜水中的葡萄糖、维生素等成分有助于调节神经系统,缓解神经紧张,改善睡眠质量。





1. **促进消化**:萝卜含有多种消化酶,能帮助消化食物,豆腐中的植物蛋白也容易消化吸收。两者结合,对改善消化不良、促进肠道蠕动有积极作用。

2. **补充营养**:豆腐富含植物蛋白、钙和铁等矿物质,而萝卜含有维生素C和微量元素锌,能够增强机体的免疫功能,提高抗病能力。

3. **调节血脂**:萝卜和豆腐中的膳食纤维有助于降低血脂,改善酸性体质,对心血管健康有益。

4. **润肺止咳**:白萝卜具有化痰降气、止咳平喘的功效,对于秋季干燥天气引起的喉咙不适有一定的缓解作用。


5. **增强免疫**:萝卜中的维生素C和豆腐中的蛋白质有助于增强机体免疫功能。

6. **润肤美容**:萝卜中的维生素C有助于美白肌肤,豆腐中的钙质也有助于皮肤健康。

7. **预防感冒**:萝卜具有杀菌消毒的作用,尤其在冬季饮用,有助于预防感冒。

8. **减肥作用**:萝卜和豆腐热量较低,且萝卜含有较多膳食纤维,有助于增加饱腹感,减少高热量食物的摄入,有助于控制体重。

9. **保护胃黏膜**:豆腐中的蛋白质有助于保护胃黏膜,对胃部有一定的保护作用。


10. **润肠通便**:萝卜和豆腐中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。




1. **降压作用**:芹菜根含有丰富的天然降压成分,如芹菜甙和佛手柑内酯,能够帮助降低血压,对高血压患者尤其有益。

2. **镇静安神**:芹菜根中的生物碱成分有助于调节情绪,缓解焦虑、不安等不良情绪,具有镇静安神的功效。

3. **润肠通便**:芹菜根含有丰富的纤维素,能够促进消化,加快肠道蠕动,有助于改善便秘。

4. **清热解毒**:芹菜根具有一定的清热解毒作用,可以帮助清除体内毒素,增强体质。

5. **利尿消肿**:芹菜根煮水有良好的利尿作用,可以帮助排除体内多余的水分,减少水肿。

6. **养血补虚**:芹菜根中含有铁元素,有助于补血,对于缺铁性贫血有一定的预防和辅助治疗作用。

7. **抗癌作用**:芹菜根中的木质素等物质具有抗癌作用,能够预防细胞癌变,对肠癌有一定的预防效果。

8. **辅助治疗疾病**:芹菜根煮水在临床上可辅助治疗炎症感染、呼吸道感染、慢性支气管炎等疾病。

9. **改善睡眠**:芹菜根中的某些成分有助于提高睡眠质量,缓解失眠。

10. **止痛作用**:芹菜根煎水后可用来缓解头痛等疼痛症状。

– 芹菜根性寒,脾胃虚寒者不宜过多食用。
– 腹泻者应避免食用,以免加重病情。
– 建议在医生或营养师的指导下使用,特别是有特殊健康状况的人群。




1. **化湿行气**:白扣具有化湿行气的功效,能够有效化解湿邪,改善因湿邪导致的脾胃气滞,对于湿阻中焦引起的脘腹痞满、不欲饮食、胸腹胀痛等症状有缓解作用。

2. **温中止呕**:白扣性温,能够温中止呕,对于胃寒湿阻气滞引起的呕吐、反胃、嗳气、呃逆等症状有治疗作用,尤其适合治疗胃寒引起的呕吐和小儿吐奶不食。

3. **开胃消食**:白扣能够开胃消食,对于食积不消化、不思饮食等症状有很好的改善效果。

4. **理气、助消化、健胃**:白扣具有理气、助消化、健胃的功效,对于慢性支气管炎、支气管哮喘等疾病也有一定的缓解作用。

5. **疏肝理气**:白扣能够疏肝理气,对于因肝气郁结导致的胸闷、情绪不畅等症状有调节作用。

6. **祛寒止泻**:白扣还有祛寒止泻的功效,对于寒湿引起的腹泻有一定的治疗作用。


– **性味归经**:白扣味辛,性温,归肺经、脾经、胃经。

– **煎煮方法**:由于白扣含有挥发油,煎煮时间过长会导致药效降低,因此入药时需后下,即在其他药材煎煮一段时间后再加入白扣。


– **适用人群**:白扣适合脾胃虚弱、湿阻中焦、胃寒呕吐、食积不化等人群使用。

– **禁忌**:孕妇及有实热症状者不宜使用白扣。





It was said by another senior warrior, as if Yang Guang was not worthy to talk to the Lord Yin Feng.

Of course, that mouth is a thief and a fat warrior, but he doesn’t seem to care about his appearance
Middle-aged in Taoist robes, he seems to wander in the sky now.
But if Yang Guang doesn’t cooperate, he will kill him at the first time.
"oh? I’m from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and I’m going to the Western Heaven to worship Buddha and beg for gold. I passed by your treasure to find a little white dragon as a mount to solve my journey fatigue. "Yang Guang knows very well that no matter whether he pays or not, there is no one.
Don’t pay? They must kill themselves.
You handed it in? Then Yang Guang’s death will be faster. It’s just those things that Wu Shengyou killed Yang Guang!
His answer will be so unreasonable.
A bull’s head talks nonsense to a horse.
This is the Tang Priest’s Ci in the Journey to the West in Yang Guangshen? It’s not very appropriate
Because he is not a monk!
Looking for a little white dragon is not to act as a mount, but to let him look for a dragon to rest and make himself great. After getting a dragon to rest and rest, Yang Guangcai will not care about these things.
Go straight home and do his own thing to resist those invading blood clan and angels.
Didn’t come to pull the calf
"You this is stubborn? If you don’t cooperate, I can send you to the Buddhist paradise. You want to know that this is not your place. This is where junior martial artists can come. Maybe you’re still an heir to a big shot? "
The senior guanyu, who looks a little cocky and fat, said so
He looked at Yang Guang’s dress, and it didn’t look like a great heir.
Even if you are not expensive at all, you can’t be a big brother.
Besides, if it’s really a great heir, at least there must be a Taoist protector, right? But also should be quite powerful, such as Yin Feng, a half-step martial guardian.
Half step Wu Zun is not a martial realm.
It is a general term in this martial art world that refers to those who are between the peak martial arts master and the superior martial arts master, and these half-step martial arts masters have a very remarkable thing, that is, they are far more powerful than the senior martial arts master of the same theoretical level.
Of course, it is much weaker than the real Wu Zun.
It is also very difficult to break through to the realm of Wu Zun, which is even more difficult than the general senior martial artist to break through to Wu Zun.
Their high start also means that the greater the possibility of breakthrough.
Why is there such a thing as a half-step force? That’s because these people want to break through Wu Zun without success, or they have never broken through and accumulated their own strength.
It’s like a small porcelain cup filled with tea overflowing, which generally leads to a breakthrough in its combat effectiveness, but a senior warrior is more powerful than that cup of tea overflowing.
And what if you break through to Wu Zun? It’s like changing a big bowl with tea.
Here is the qualitative change gap
However, it is too difficult to change a small porcelain cup into a big bowl.
This is too difficult for several martial arts saints.
"Why? Can’t I understand what I’m saying? How dare you, a mere junior warrior, come here impudently? Do you believe that I will destroy all your deeds? " The fat Buddhist monk was very angry when he saw that Yang Guang didn’t give him a face.
He didn’t pay attention to anyone except the main face, but if others don’t give him a face, they will face his revenge.
Some people are narrow-minded, but they will not become bigger with the change of time and the growth of strength.
Yang guang for their budo realm was not accidentally detected by the other party after reaching the level of guanyu, but it is also truly extraordinary.
Don’t say it’s a so-called great saint, but at least it must be extraordinary
It’s a little unusual, and it’s normal to get a collar
"All right, then try it and see if you can destroy my way." Yang Guangxiao smiled a little disdainfully.
If it is the cassock middle-aged words like this, Yang Guang will not say such big words even if he can protect himself.

Dugu nods, "It’s Big Brother."

Dugu’s eyes are full of excitement. He hates Wang Yue. Wang Yue not only took his profits, but also killed his only son everywhere. Dugu’s hatred is so great that he can’t wait to cut Wang Yue to pieces.
He is naturally excited now that he has the opportunity to kill Wang Yue himself.
Dugu walked to Wang Yue step by step. "Wang Yue, you and I Dugu killed my son, but you didn’t think you would have today, did you? You will die in my hands. "
Wang Yue wiped a corner of his mouth with blood and disdained, "Do you want to kill me alone? Your eldest brother blade master can’t kill me. How can you kill me as a loser? "
Dugu party laughed wildly. "Wang Yue, at this time, you are still putting on airs. Do you think you can scare me? Now that you are a spent force, what can you do if you can still fight the great master? I’m a half-step heaven fighter, and you’re doomed to die in my lonely hands. "
Wang Yue sneered, "If you are so confident, come and have a try."
Dugu party drink a "Wang Yue die"
"Decreasing the Dragon’s Leg"
Alone, a golden dragon appeared, and the virtual shadow leg method was put to the extreme. He believed that he could definitely kick Wang Yue to death.
Wang Yue eyes with a sneer at "dragon leg method? This is Dugu’s first Juexue, right? But Dugu didn’t practice at home. Such an attack didn’t hurt me. "
Wang Yue reached out and grabbed the lone ankle.
Dugu party frightened to disgrace "what? Why do you still have such great power? "
Wang Yue’s strength makes the lonely one unable to move at all, let alone show his leg skills.
Wang Yue sneered, "No matter how unbearable I am, Wang Yue is also a strong man in heaven. The camel is thinner than the horse. Do you think I can kill me if I am down and out? What a joke! "
Wang Yue punched a fist with overbearing dark strength, which instantly destroyed Dugu’s dirty and brain, so that even the immortal could not save his life.
"one party"
Blade master’s eyes were red when he saw that Dugu was killed.
He wants to go to the rescue, but the speed root won’t come.
"Wang Yue, I will kill you."
Blade master course life vitality issued a recruit firm but gentle.
This recruit firm but gentle although not as overbearing as sword 23, but also not small.
Wang Yue cold hum punched this one by one, which contains two kinds of strength, Yin and Yang.
Wang Yue was pierced by sword light.
Wang Yue boxing strength also hit blade master.
Both of them lose.
Wang Yue slowly got up and stared at blade master. "blade master, you are great, but you want to kill me. Wang Yue is still a little short."
Blade master shocked. "What, what, you’re not dead yet? Don’t you have immortality? "
Immortality is the realm of ghosts and gods. Only the strong can practice life-saving means. No matter how strong the strong are, there can be no immortality.
Although Wang Yue is not immortal, he is strong in qi and blood, and everyone’s boxing practice has reached its peak. Compared with the general heaven fighters, his body is much stronger.
Wang Yue andao "I have ten percent of my qi and blood energy left. If blade master sends out a firm but gentle word again, he is likely to die."
To Wang Yue, I still want to fight a protracted war with blade master, but I didn’t expect that blade master’s swordsmanship was too strong. Wang Yue resisted the shock wave and consumed qi and blood energy constantly.
Now Wang Yuecai knows that although family boxing has advantages, it can save lives and not defeat in the face of such a strong man as blade master.
"It seems that it is imminent to create the achievement method behind Jiaquan."
Blade master looked pale and crumbling. Wang Yue knew that this old guy was also seriously injured.
"Do you still want to kill me? You are likely to die in my hands now. Haha … "Wang Yue laughed."
Blade master cold hum a "Wang Yue, you killed my nephew and brother and took this account from my twin cities. I must let you blood out in the future."
Blade master a grind into a sword of light disappeared.
After blade master left, Wang Yuecai was relieved, and then the horse sat cross-legged to regulate qi and blood.
"I don’t know what happened to my family." Wang Yue was anxious about the chaos in the two cities. He was most worried about his family.
"snapped …"
A clap your hands.
Wang Yue eyebrows a wrinkly staring at the front figure surprised way "broken waves? What are you doing here? "
The bearer is the wave breaker.
"Vice duke really badly even blade master lost in your hands" Broken waves said with a smile.

Chapter 39 High Core Competitiveness

At present, the spiritual world has not penetrated deeply into this world.
Things or monsters with excessive powers can’t get in.
Five-color wisdom fruit is special. Although it is extremely high to epic level, it contains low psionics, mainly because the brain does not have strong power to master knowledge, so it will appear in this world.
It can be said that huskies are so lucky.
Hang Yu asked Pang Dahai to get Husky something to eat first.
The dog’s appetite is really amazing. Ten pheasants even chew the meat and bones clean, so that they can barely fill their stomachs. Fortunately, huskies can eat raw and cooked food, and it is also called whether they are treated or not. Otherwise, the achievement of raising a husky dog alone can be so high that it is scary.
Husky has enough to eat and drink.
I was taken to take a shower.
"Come on, brothers, let’s go one!" Boat-fruited Sterculia lifted a glass of cold beer and gulped it down. "By the way, Brother Fat, I have accumulated 4 aura. Is the cow awesome?"
Hangyu Road is "so-so"
"Hey, what do you mean so-so? I’m fighting for my life. You don’t know how hard I’m fighting this time!" Pang Dahai said in an exaggerated tone, "I promised to be promoted to level 2 this time, but now there are only a few people at level 2!"
Fat is quite satisfied with himself.
Now there are 4 points of aura.
You can get about 2 points of aura through food every day.
Food aura food grade quality has a general level 1, and ordinary ingredients contain 13 aura points.
Spiritual food is easy to eat, and the aura of food at the same level can be absorbed once a day or two to obtain aura repeatedly.
Although the amount of aura obtained from food is relatively small at present, there will be more or less times when you re-enter the spiritual world, and the fat distance upgrade will be short of single digits.
If you are not too bad luck, you can definitely upgrade!
Hangyu couldn’t help but turn over a supercilious look in my mind.
He is too lazy to hit this fat.
There’s nothing to be proud of being promoted to level 2!
Nowadays, the background and strength of the times are really important. How can a leader feel safe if he doesn’t have enough strength to face people?
If you don’t even feel safe
Then there is no way to ensure team cohesion.
I have to find a way to help fat rise to this level as soon as possible!
Fat while drinking obscene said, "Hey, hey, I’m telling you, the goddess Su is not only scary in her bust, but also generous and scary. She actually ordered 2.5 million weeks to order all the food produced in the workshop."
Hang Yu asked, "How do you decide?"
"Nonsense, I’m so stupid. If Fat Brother agrees to come, it will be a real 250!" Pang Dahai laughed. "I have got the news that the goddess Su is also recruiting chefs."
Su Yunbing may want to be self-sufficient.
It may also be that you want to directly enter the new catering industry with limited potential.
Fat knows very well that the most important thing now is to make a name for yourself in the market.
If you eat Su Yunbing, all orders seem to be easy to earn, but you will miss the best opportunity to enter the market. Fat guy looks stupid, but he is as good as a monkey. How can he agree?
"I’ll take an order for one million weeks first, and I should give him 30 first-class foods every day. This order can earn at least 600,000 yuan without the staff."
Earn 600 thousand a week
What a large sum of money this is.
In this way, the workshop capital chain will be guaranteed.
At the same time, Pang Dahai is looking for more buyers and partners. He wants to make the name "Pangge Gourmet Workshop" famous, instead of relying on a certain guest, otherwise it will be too passive to become a climate.
Hang Yu was relieved. "Well, it seems that you are not lost by the goddess."
"Hey, hey, I’m very vulgar. I like money and color, but if I have to choose one, I must choose money."
"Nonsense have money to buy color, wouldn’t you say so? Ha ha ha! "
Hang Yu guessed that he would say this, but he didn’t expect to be so confident. It can be seen that fat is more shameful than expected, and it is even more reassuring to see him so ashamed.
"You are doing very well now, but don’t aim too high. The catering market is a big market and there are several subdivisions. It is impossible for anyone to monopolize whether it is the old age or the new age. The most important thing is to do a good job of positioning yourself and establish our own advantages."
Boat-fruited Sterculia is usually not serious
But when it comes to business, making money immediately perks up.
Hang Yu went on to say, "I can solve the problem of mental shortage soon, so there is no need to recruit too many people for the time being, but we should pay attention to employee training to make our employees better and stronger than others. Future talents are the key competitiveness!"
"How to cultivate?"
"You should know that production skills can be upgraded. The higher the proficiency, the faster and better the cooking. If the cooking level rises, you can cook more advanced food, but it takes a lot of practice and aura to upgrade your production skills."
"Hey, I guess I know what you mean."
Pang Dahai knows at a glance. "What you want to say is that instead of recruiting people like the goddess Su, we should do the opposite, reduce the number of people in the workshop, but take a refined route to ensure that every member is reliable and has a higher level of strength than other competitors."
"Yes, that’s what it means. You’ll know the benefits later."
"Anyway, you are the boss and I will listen to you!"
Hang Yu has clearly realized that he can’t compete with people like Su Yunbing for money, contacts and social resources. They can recruit 50 chefs to expand production, but Hang Yu and Pang don’t have this ability.
As people realize that importance of psionic food
The value of the soul chef is also rising.
It is foolish to spell your own shortcomings and others’ strengths!
Hangyu has its own advantages and is an exclusive advantage!
He has planted magic grass and has a spirit recovery potion formula in his hand!
In other words, he will soon be able to refine potions, replenish his spirit with potions, and finish the boat-fruited Sterculia, so that he can achieve a great reduction in food production.

"We’re right here. Please let us know if there’s any situation." There were OVER voices beside Shao Yanqi when he spoke. It seems that my guess is correct.

"Don’t forget to make a fire." I dropped my walkie-talkie, took out my cigarette and lit it and walked towards the north cave wall.
There is a narrow mountain crack on the north side of the pothole. The stone walls on both sides exude golden light, and people can barely get in and out of my side and move in. There is a strange scene in front of me. The tunnel is narrow and the ceiling of the cave wall is also golden. At first glance, it looks like the cave wall on the north side of the cave is made of pure gold, and there is a statue of Tathagata, which is much smaller than what we saw outside, but the shape and method are exactly the same.
There is also a table in the cave where sandalwood is curled up in the incense burner. A monk in gray is sitting on the table. I don’t ask if I know, but I know that at this time, I am reciting the scriptures of Tibetan Bodhisattva with my hands holding beads.
I don’t know much about Buddhism, and I rarely read the Buddhist classics. What I know is that the scriptures he recited are the same as those he recited when Ma Lingfeng crossed over in the tomb of Wutu. Who does this guy want to cross over?
Monk Jian, who is familiar with my arrival, is still reciting those awkward sutras and tattoos, and the blue aura is slowly spreading out. I have long known that things here can absorb human aura, but I was still surprised when I saw monk Jian’s aura flowing. His aura was actually absorbed by the Tathagata statue on the north side of the cave wall
It stands to reason that Monk Jian can be seen by the state and the army. It is natural to do something. Although it is not Gao Xuanji’s self-protection method, there is still something. He will willingly let his aura be sucked away by the Buddha statue on the wall, and why should that Buddha statue suck his true aura?
Although I don’t like monks, after all, I belong to the same camp now, so I can’t watch his aura being sucked away, regardless of Nai’s purple aura wrapping him up.
Close your eyes and recite the scriptures. It seems that you feel something and finally stop reciting. Turn your head and look at me. Your expression is extremely excited. You can’t tell whether it’s surprise or surprise. Look at me for a long time before you speak. "Is the benefactor a man in the door?"
The monk Jian turned his head, and I finally saw clearly that he should be in his fifties. He looks kind. Maybe he hasn’t picked his hair for a long time, and he has grown long hair. The beard has grown long, and his eyes seem to be different from those of Buddhist people. Generally, the monk’s eyes are big and virtuous, while the monk’s eyes are peaceful and full of persistence and fanaticism. What I think is like those mental derangements outside the tenth inning.
"11 I’m from three subjects and 125 I’m here to help you." I don’t want to call him a mage, but I can’t directly call him a monk face to face. Actually, the situation of Jian monk is really wronged. 11 code 1414 is quite suitable for him.
"Three subjects?" Monk Jian was shocked when I talked about the three subjects. "Is the Taoist priest a man in the family!" Breaking through the Ziqi Xuandao said that Du Jie’s Buddhism shouted that it was difficult, but the different meanings were the same.
"Tell me about the situation here." I looked around at the narrow golden aura and the vicious aura. It seems that the culprit is it from the natural achievement Buddha statue on the north side of the mountain.
"Great, great, they actually sent you." Jian seemed to be particularly happy with my arrival, and instead of answering my question, he shouted, "Great!"
"What the hell is this?" I raised my voice.
"Tai Sui" Jian finally calmed down and came to the natural achievement Buddha statue on the north wall of the finger "Golden body is too old!"
"What is Tai Sui?" I don’t know anything about Jian Taisui Yue. The only thing I know is that it’s like that thing is not a good thing.
"Tai sui is a living star, not a worldly thing." I was excited and my words trembled, pointing to the sky and telling me the ins and outs.
It turned out that three years ago, there were several strange incidents in which a large number of livestock and herdsmen died suddenly in pastoral areas in Qinghai and Tibet. Tens of thousands of livestock and dozens of herders died without wounds, and forensic identification could not find out the cause of death. Naihao truthfully reported it to the State Security Bureau.
The tenth bureau of the National Security Bureau sent Jian to investigate. In view of the great practice of attracting ghosts at the scene of the incident, some clues were also found. The souls of dead livestock and herders did not leave their bodies, and the physical death was caused by something sucking away their true yuan. Please call a large number of troops to conduct a large-scale investigation around the crime scene, but no suspicious clues were found.
After observing several crime scenes one by one, I finally found that although several crime scenes are far away, if the dotted lines are connected, they are actually in the shape of semicircles. After discovering this clue, I reported it to the headquarters and asked for help to help him investigate the location of another semicircle located outside the national border and found it in Afghanistan. Nepal; Large-scale human and animal deaths have occurred in Kazakhstan and other places. At the same time, it was found that the place of human and animal deaths was exactly the same as Jupiter’s orbit at that time.
In view of consulting a lot of ancient materials, we finally found this huge tai sui in the center of the circle, which is the building where we are currently located.
"What happened to the Buddha statue outside?" I stopped talking and asked, "Did you have it when you came?"
"When the poor monk found this place, it was already here. The spirit root with deep Buddha nature can actually turn into a Buddha statue." It is very pious to put your hands together.
I hesitated for a moment when I heard Jian’s words. If the Buddha statue in front of me was transformed by Tai Zi, what is the Buddha statue in this golden stone room? Besides, it doesn’t look like this attitude is to subdue evil spirits or there will be no Buddha nature in Taisui Yue.
"Since you are sure that this Tai-sui is the murderer who killed people and animals, why don’t you drop it?" My attitude is a little bad. This bald donkey has wasted a lot of money and money to settle down here, and he is actually dawdling and not doing business.
"Although it hurts the living things, it is also involuntary, and it can be resisted." Jian shook his head and sighed, looking like a monk with compassion.
"You mean Jupiter forced this Tai Zi to kill people?" I’m confused by the Jian theory. Jupiter is the sun and a planet. How can it be related to killing people and animals and sucking up the real aura?
The chanting of the Buddha’s name by the abbot of "Amitabha" doesn’t answer my question. Once the monk and Taoist priest are asked by others, they will give you an Amitabha or measure the Buddha.
"The Buddha statue outside is too old?" I feel unreasonable, so I want to determine the target myself.
"That’s the traditional dharma body to resist the scourge", and the Tathagata method of finger hole wall "The golden body is here"
After the monk told me, I instantly felt creepy. The murderous and deadly monster tried to avoid the scourge of the Tathagata and rushed to the Xuan.