
1. **清热解毒**:芨芨草性味苦寒,能够入肺、胃、大肠、膀胱经,具有清热解毒、宣肺化痰的功效。常用于治疗喉咙疼痛、口腔溃疡、肺热咳嗽等症状。


2. **利水消肿**:芨芨草有利尿消肿的作用,可以促进尿液代谢,去除体内多余水分,降低组织水肿,对心肾水肿有一定的治疗作用,并可用于缓解下肢肿胀、风湿痛等症状。


3. **活血解毒**:芨芨草能够活血化瘀,有助于促进新陈代谢,对暴发火疮、痈疽、乳腺炎等浅表化脓性感染病症有解毒作用。

4. **行气消积**:芨芨草能够疏通人体气机,有助于畅通气血,对于慢性便秘、消化不良、腹胀等症状有显著效果。

5. **止血**:芨芨草的花具有止血的功效,可用于治疗吐血、咯血、便血、月经过多等出血症状。


6. **利尿**:芨芨草可以用于治疗小便不利、尿量少、尿路感染、尿道炎等症状。

7. **治疗感冒发热**:芨芨草可用于治疗感冒发烧、咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡、目赤肿痛、眼睛干涩、心烦气躁等症状。



1. **滋补肝肾**:枸杞蜂蜜中的枸杞成分能滋补肝肾,增强肝脏功能,对于肝肾不足引起的腰膝酸软、头晕目眩等症状有缓解作用。


2. **养精明目**:枸杞自古以来就被认为具有明目的功效,蜂蜜则能润燥养阴,两者结合可以改善视力,预防眼疲劳。

3. **滋阴壮阳**:枸杞蜂蜜中的营养成分有助于增强性功能,对于性功能减退、阳痿早泄等男性问题有辅助治疗作用。


4. **润肺止咳**:蜂蜜具有润肺止咳的效果,而枸杞也有一定的润肺作用,两者结合可以缓解咳嗽、干咳等症状。

5. **改善血气两亏**:枸杞蜂蜜能够改善血气两亏的情况,对于面色苍白、乏力、贫血等症状有辅助治疗作用。

6. **提高免疫力**:蜂蜜和枸杞都富含多种维生素和微量元素,能够增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

7. **调节肝功能障碍**:枸杞蜂蜜对于慢性肝炎、中毒性或代谢性肝病及胆道系统引起的肝功能障碍有一定的调节作用。

8. **美容养颜**:枸杞蜂蜜可以提高皮肤吸收氧分的能力,具有美白、抗氧化、延缓衰老的作用。

9. **改善肾虚腰痛**:对于肾虚腰痛、遗精滑精等症状,枸杞蜂蜜有很好的食疗效果。

10. **稳定血压**:对于高血压患者,适量饮用枸杞蜂蜜水有助于稳定血压。


– 适量饮用:过量饮用可能导致肥胖等健康问题。
– 避免空腹饮用:空腹饮用可能刺激胃黏膜,引起胃酸分泌过多。
– 注意禁忌人群:糖尿病患者、高血糖患者以及婴幼儿等不宜饮用。


– 避免与感冒、炎症、腹泻等不适症状同时食用。



1. **美容与保健功效**:
– 如SKV小红瓶,可能含有葛根和没药等食品级材料,这些成分被认为具有丰胸效果,并且不含激素,因此使用起来相对安全。


– 臻元小红瓶可能含有特殊成分,如针对狐臭问题,含有能够阻止不饱和脂肪酸反应的成分,从而减轻狐臭症状。

2. **健康促进**:
– 小分子肽可能对术后病人康复有积极作用,作为蛋白质的功能性片段,它能够提供人体生长发育所需营养物质,并因其小分子量而被人体直接吸收,无需消化分解。


– 小分子肽能够促进巨噬细胞的吞噬能力,增强人体免疫力,修复或清除受损细胞,提高并调整人体内部防御系统,促进血管形成和组织再生,加快创伤愈合速度。

3. **特殊用途**:
– 如臻元香体露,针对腋臭问题,可能具有止汗和消除狐臭味的作用,通过减少腋下分泌物和减轻不饱和脂肪酸的反应,改善多汁和狐臭症状。

4. **经济与便利**:


– 小红瓶产品的销售方式多样,如提供电话、微信、QQ等在线咨询和下单服务,方便消费者了解产品信息并购买。



### 醋的益处

1. **促进消化**:醋中的酸性物质可以刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,有助于食物的消化。
2. **增进食欲**:醋的酸味可以刺激味蕾,增加食欲。
3. **抑菌杀菌**:醋具有一定的抑菌和杀菌作用,有助于预防感冒和痢疾。
4. **软化血管**:醋有助于软化血管,降低胆固醇,对预防高血压、高血脂和心血管疾病有一定帮助。
5. **平衡酸碱**:适量食用醋可以帮助维持体内的酸碱平衡。
6. **美容养颜**:醋中的酸性物质可以促进新陈代谢,有助于改善肤色和减少痘痘。
7. **减肥**:醋中的氨基酸有助于溶解身体中过剩的乳酸,减少体内脂肪囤积。
8. **促进钙吸收**:醋有助于骨骼吸收钙质,预防骨质疏松。


### 醋可能的影响

1. **刺激肠胃**:过量食用醋或空腹喝醋可能会刺激胃黏膜,导致胃酸过多。
2. **钙流失**:过多食用醋可能会导致钙流失,尤其是对老年人来说。
3. **影响某些疾病患者**:痛风患者和糖尿病患者应避免过多食用果醋,因为果醋可能不利于血尿酸排泄和影响血糖。

### 使用醋的注意事项

1. **适量食用**:成人每天食用醋的量建议在20-40ml之间,最多不超过100ml。
2. **避免空腹饮用**:饭后一小时饮用稀释后的醋,避免刺激胃黏膜。
3. **选择合适的醋**:避免使用铝锅或铜锅烹调醋,以免铝或铜元素溶解于食物中。铁锅是较好的选择,因为醋有助于铁元素的浸出,预防缺铁性贫血。
4. **注意漱口**:食用含醋食品后要漱口,保护牙齿。
5. **避免长期使用**:如长期用醋洗头,可能会损害发质。
6. **了解个人体质**:对于有特殊疾病或体质的人群,应咨询医生后再决定是否食用醋。
7. **注意饮食搭配**:避免在食用奶油蛋糕或乳酪后立即食用含醋量高的食物,也不要与羊肉一起食用。



1. **调节免疫功能**:人参皂甙能够增强人体的免疫功能,提高机体的抵抗力,从而有助于预防疾病的发生。


2. **抗肿瘤作用**:人参皂甙具有抗肿瘤效果,能够抑制癌细胞的生成和转移,对癌症的治疗有积极作用。在化疗期间使用,还能减轻化疗药物的副作用,保护器官免受损害。

3. **延缓衰老**:人参皂甙能抑制神经细胞的衰老,增强记忆力,并具有延缓衰老的功效。

4. **保护心脑血管**:人参皂甙能有效保护心脑血管,改善心脏功能,对心力衰竭、心绞痛等症状有明显的疗效。

5. **抗疲劳**:人参皂甙具有抗疲劳作用,能够延长小鼠的游泳时间,提高机体的耐力。

6. **调节神经系统**:人参皂甙能够调节人体神经系统功能,有安神的功效,有助于平和情绪,提高工作效率和学习效果。

7. **双向调节血压**:人参皂甙对血压具有双向调节作用,既能治疗高血压病,也能在一定程度上改善低血压。

8. **治疗更年期综合征**:人参皂甙对更年期综合征有疗效,包括神经衰弱、疲劳过度或久病、手术后的身体虚弱等。

9. **缓解毒素作用**:在治疗肿瘤的过程中,人参皂甙能缓解化疗药物产生的耐药性,提高治疗效果。

10. **促进康复**:在病后体虚或手术治疗后,人参皂甙有助于保护人体免疫器官,提高机体免疫力,促进疾患早日康复。



### 药效

1. **健胃作用**:丁香花具有健胃功能,能够缓解腹部胀气,增强消化能力,对减轻恶心、呕吐有显著效果。其挥发油和丁香酚能够增加胃黏液分泌,有助于抗胃溃疡和抗腹泻。

2. **解热抗炎**:丁香花具有解热作用,能够抵抗炎症,避免细菌感染。丁香酚对白色念珠菌和新型隐球菌有显著的杀灭作用。

3. **暖肾壮阳**:丁香花性温,有暖肾壮阳的功效,对治疗男性疾病有一定的效果,如阳痿早泄、腰酸背痛等。

4. **行气止痛**:丁香花常用于治疗腹痛、疝气痛、胸痹痛、脘腹痛等症状,具有麻醉止痛的效果。

5. **醒神开窍**:丁香花有醒神开窍的作用,能使人神智恢复清醒。


6. **清新口气**:丁香花的芳香能压抑口中的臭气,起到清新口气的效果。


### 用途


1. **药用**:丁香花可以制成茶水饮用,用于治疗胃痛、腹泻、恶心、呕吐等症状。

2. **调味料**:丁香花常用于食品调味,如烹制风味菜肴、卤菜及酱腌菜。

3. **香料**:丁香花的花蕾可以提取香精,用于配制高级香料。

4. **其他用途**:丁香花还可用于香烟添加剂、焚香的添加剂、制作茶饮等。

### 使用禁忌

1. **过量饮用**:丁香花不宜过量饮用,否则可能出现浑身无力、呼吸困难等症状。

2. **热性患者**:丁香花不适合热性患者食用。

3. **成分敏感者**:丁香花含有丁香酚等成分,对某些人可能引起过敏反应。


Wu Daozun turned around and looked at the generous stone tablet at the end of this cemetery, which was as high as tens of feet.

The stone tablet looks old and heavy, filled with the breath of long years and death, and its face is white and there is nothing.
Looking at this huge stone tablet, Wu Daozun flashed a flash of light in his mind.
Although this stone tablet has no trace, it gives him a feeling that this stone tablet is more like a tombstone suppressed here!
He doesn’t know who erected the tombstone, but it can solve a puzzle in his heart.
Perhaps it is because of this tombstone that hundreds of ghost immortals can be suppressed here and escaped.
At this time, there was a huge noise from the easternmost side of the tomb. It seems that a big war broke out in Fangzheng!
Fang Mundus’s Tomb is shaking violently and may collapse at any time!
Wu Daozun and Ji goblin are hiding in the most square tomb, but they will not be affected by waves.
"Not surprisingly, the spear of war was hidden and they found it."
Wu Dao Zun Qing Nan Yi
Just then, the dark clouds in the sky outside filled the air, and a pair of huge eyes were hidden in the clouds, staring at the shady mountains and emitting terror and coercion!
The demons near the Yinshan Mountain turned pale with horror and knelt on the ground shivering!
Even if the demon king feels the breath from the sky, he dare not hesitate to kneel on the ground and look in awe.
This kind of coercion can’t even resist them!
Mundus was born!
"Who killed my son!"
Lingxiao Mundus’s sound suppresses anger and makes people shudder!
Such as thunder reverberating in the magic domain!
In the tomb of Mundus, the Tibetan devil and others just entered a tomb, and as a result, something happened. The spear of war was born and launched a fierce attack on them.
Ling Xiao Mundus’s eyes seemed to penetrate Mundus’s tomb to see such a scene.
Suddenly out of the clouds, a huge palm covered the sky and caught it at Mundus Tomb!
Ling Xiao Mundus uprooted almost the whole shady mountain range with this palm, and the crumbling Mundus Tomb collapsed instantly!
Mundus Wei is so horrible!
Chapter two thousand five hundred and forty-three!
Wu Daozun offered the town prison tripod to break the void and leave here with Ji goblin.
Mundus means that two people can’t hide for long.
If it is discovered by Lingxiao Mundus, even if Wudao Zun can break the virtual reality, it may not be able to return to A-bi hell from Lingxiao Mundus’s nose.
Mundus has just shown his strength. Wu Daozun has no doubt that once two people are found, even if he enters the tunnel, Lingxiao Mundus can intercept them and bring them back!
Just then Ji Fairy suddenly said, "I seem to remember!"
"What?" Wu Daozun consciousness asked.
Ji Fairy said, "This tomb in Mundus should be a tomb of the Great Emperor!"
A careful budo statue in my heart.
Before that, who would have thought that there was a tomb of the great emperor hidden in the tomb of Mundus, which was extinct in the back of Yinshan Mountain!
But on second thought, I’m afraid only the emperor can make a thousand emperors’ graves buried with them!
I don’t know how the great emperor killed so many emperors in such a terrible way.
"Who is this great emperor?"
Wu Daozun asked.
Ji goblin slightly she chuckled some hesitation seems to be in fear of something.
At this time, a loud noise suddenly appeared in Fang Mundus’s tomb, followed by a flaming fire, and it was filled with bright brilliance and collided with Mundus in the clouds!
This fire is full of scorching terror, and the power of generate can go against the trend against Mundus!
Magnificent and majestic power will tear away a clear crack!
"Hum, the main soldiers dare to be presumptuous!"
Lingxiao Mundus cold hum one hand suddenly more than a magic gas fills the air with a long knife falling from the sky as if to split the whole sky in two!
Lingxiao Mundus’s long black knife is right in the middle of that fire, and the flame body is the spear of war!
And dedicated Mundus was hit by a spear of war, and the whole body was shocked and showed a shock in the depths of high school eyes.
The spear of war fell on the earth, pierced it, and a huge spider-web crack appeared around it, shaking the mountains.

Yao Jingzhong pushed the door and walked directly out of the guest room and rushed to the corner on the third floor.

About ten seconds later, Ma Laoer was wondering how to attract workers when the building suddenly lit up with lights.
"Damn it, this is too fast!" Liu Shu immediately door scold a way
The corridor is bright.
Yao Jingzhong clenched his fist and rushed to the person behind him and ordered, "Don’t panic, walk normally and do it when you have the chance in the crowd."
Three people nodded.
Jin Taizhu, the meeting place on the third floor, waved his hand immediately after seeing the lights on and said, "I’m sorry that we didn’t prepare well for everyone to wait."
The hostess went to the stage again with a microphone and the sound was beautiful, which revived the atmosphere.
At the same time
Quietly coming out of the venue on the third floor, Lin Chengdong was about to go upstairs when he saw Yao Jingzhong and others stopped by security.
The two glances Yao Jingzhong suddenly grinned and nodded at Lin Chengdong, meaning to ask him to help out.
Chapter 1334 Before exposure
Lin Chengdong has understood Yao Jingzhong’s meaning in the stairs, but he is a little hesitant. Now, when the gun is about to ring, Lin Chengdong’s identity will be exposed in an instant.
Fang Yao Jingzhong saw Lin Chengdong didn’t respond, and his brow was slightly wrinkled.
After a short struggle, Lin Chengdong remembered that Yao Jingzhong had also taken risks to help himself. He immediately made a decision and said a word to help him out.
Just then stop Yao Jingzhong security personnel suddenly stretched out his hand and helped a headset "hello? Say it again. "
The security officer in charge of commanding the security room held a walkie-talkie and said, "The four people in front of you have problems. The prisoner recognized that one of them is a military intelligence officer in the ninth district …"
Stair security personnel heard this zheng.
"Don’t move yet, I’ll take someone there." The officer in the security room has led seven people out with guns and kept shouting, "The hall team will go to the stairs quickly!"
The security guard on the steps glanced at Yao Jingzhong and others again and suddenly smiled and said, "I’m sorry, sir, you can pass."
"Don’t check?" Yao Jingzhong’s tone is relaxed, but in his heart he feels that something is wrong with the other party.
At first glance, Lin Chengdong, a little closer to the stairs, saw the leading security guard’s left hand gesturing a pistol behind him.
"Let!" Yao Jingzhong will go when he takes a step.

Li Suiyun thought that the flame over there had also changed, and the fire fluctuated with the heart of Li Suiyun, and the flame could not keep itself stable. At this time, there were many flaws.

It is at this moment that the quasi-Taoist priest will not hesitate to bite his teeth. Wow, a big mouthful of blood is sprayed to the ground, but it becomes a concept that Fu Lu sees a flash of golden light and a huge explosion, which sets off a shock wave and shoots it in all directions. Li Suiyun has arranged a large array in the past, but it has also been washed away.
Li Suiyun’s first sight of casting spells also made him lose his nerve to stop it, but where did he come in a hurry to show chaos clock’s guards themselves? But he felt that the fierce rocks around air billow had left wind marks. If ordinary people were afraid of this power, they would have been blown away.
When the wind blows away, Li Suiyun stretches out his hand, but puts those chess pieces away. This hand is also vicious, but the magic weapon refined by the stars is broken, and almost none of them are intact. It will take some time to practice well.
He didn’t pay attention to the prospective Taoist at all. He knew in his heart that the other party had put out such a big battle to create such a potential. How could he not take this opportunity to leave? However, this time, it is a great loss for the road flyover to display such magical powers.
He spent a lot of effort to break the plough, and he wanted to go to the first or second floor, or even the third floor. It is also possible that in thousands of years, the strength of western teaching and eastern soil will be equal, and he will be a heart disease.
He thought about it in his heart, but he got up and thought about it secretly. He knew that the quasi-words were not to lose the fortitude of Nu Wa’s empress. How could someone else play the leading role of the day and she be a supporting role?
Li Suiyun is not a generous man. He doesn’t want another enemy. One can threaten his plan. He called a yellow turban Lux in a moment’s reflection and asked him to go to find out information and go straight to the battlefield of man and witch.
Chapter 10 Blood-stained Yellow Sand and Bones Cross
Zhuolu has been calm for three days, and no matter how fierce the battle is, it will end for mortals.
Chiyou was defeated, and his troops and hands were killed by heaven and Terran Coalition forces. This battle has exhausted Wumen’s last strength. Wumen is determined to make a comeback and has not enough strength. Wumen may not perish, but he has completely lost the strength to compete with Terran, Demon and Gate.
What do you mean, dead bodies are everywhere? What do you mean, bloody yellow sand? Everything in front of us has been best interpreted. Bones are full of flesh and blood, and some carnivorous beasts or greedy giant birds are madly pecking at the flesh and blood that has given off a strange smell.
Li Suiyun felt that his heart was contracting, and there was a painful feeling that he was too eager to have the same roots. Now the strength of the Terran has been fatally damaged, and the two tigers are fighting for one death and one injury. Since then, the Terran has been a master of indomitable spirit.
Thinking of this, he turned his hand angrily from his heart, but here came an earthquake, and those bodies, together with those birds that devoured flesh and blood, were all swept in to cover them up.
After Li Suiyun buried the body, it was not enough, but he used his magical power to move a hill. Then with a wave of his hand, the mountain was as smooth as a mirror as if it had been cut by a knife. Behind him, the heavenly sword suddenly came out of its sheath as if it had been manipulated by an invisible hand. But when he saw that the stone chips were flying, there were a few more Chinese characters on the mountain. At the end of the burial place, there was a line of small words, floating clouds, islands, clear and empty, to warn future generations.
After all this, with a wave of his big sleeve, he will go to the lair of the Jiu Li nationality, but he wants to start, but he changes his mind. With a wave of his big sleeve, he goes straight into the sky and runs to the palace. He also thinks about it. Now that the opponent has the courage to find his own hands to trouble him, he wants to pay back the color. The younger brother has been cleaned up, and it is not unreasonable for the boss not to come out again.
The decoration of Nuwa Palace is different from others. It is antique, grand, not extravagant, grand, not rich, elegant and not vulgar, but it has the attitude of a true fairy and an imperial style.
At the gate, two children were chatting and playing, and they were taken aback when they met Li Suiyun. They had also heard of this person’s notoriety, but they didn’t dare to be too sure in their hearts. They respectfully gave a gift one by one. "I don’t know if the Taoist priest came here and dared to ask for a long name, so I might as well go in and leave."
Li Suiyun smiled to himself when he saw that the child was respectful. "I’ve come to visit Nu Wa Empress. Is she in the palace?"
The left-hand boy immediately said, "Outside the Empress …"
After saying his word, the child on the right said, "The Empress is sitting in the chair and can’t see outsiders. I don’t know what I can tell the Taoist."
Li Suiyun saw two children’s eyes flashing like he couldn’t figure out what was wrong? He had sent a lux to spy on the actual situation and reported the news back early. He also knew that phase liu had suffered a big loss. Nine times out of ten, Nu Wa went to heaven. He now asked about it, but he just figured it out. He couldn’t help but sneer at this section and look at the two children’s eyes with a little more meaning.
The two boys were surprised when they saw Li Suiyun in this way. The boy on the left turned white with fear and winced a little. The daring guy on the right refused to pour down his flag gun, gritted his teeth and strengthened his biliary tract. "Taoist priest, what should you call him?"
Li Suiyun looked appreciatively at the boy’s slight nod, and he couldn’t help but read the love. He also secretly praised Nu Wa Empress’s means of training in front of such a wicked person as himself. It is also not easy [he didn’t say much. He shook his hand and a little silver light shot into two children’s mud pill palaces, closed their gods, and then waved his hand, and the palace gate wind swaggered in from him.
Guarding the palace, there are also several big demons, several god beasts and many fairy moths, colorful female land. Fairy boy saw the gate hole, but Nu Wa Empress came back, and immediately rushed over, but I never thought it was a fierce one.
Li Suiyun’s favorite sentence is "close combat in a narrow alley, killing people like grass doesn’t smell". He quite appreciates the heroic spirit, especially killing people like grass doesn’t smell this sentence. He couldn’t help laughing when he saw everyone. Behind him, the blue rainbow sword was drawn and fell into his hand. He casually took a sword and cut a child to the ground directly.
When the boy servants saw that Li Suiyun was so fierce, they all changed their colors. Those big demons and beasts picked out weapons one by one and wanted to fight with Li Suiyun.
Li Suiyun is not afraid to see each other so much, but he will kill him all the way with his sword waving hand. He will kill anyone who doesn’t leave his feet and blood flowing all the way, turning this fairyland into a shura slaughterhouse.
He even has a vicious place to kill all the people, destroy the soul and take Dan, and then collect all the treasures in the palace and kill them to the end, except for the two children in front of the door, there is only one boy and one girl left.
He looked at the two men’s eyes with yoshimitsu, but then he took the sword and looked at the two men, hugging them in horror. The younger generation was cold and ordered, "You two tell the two children in front of Nuwa that I have taken them away. If there is anything, I will come to Yunyun Island and teach them separately."
Then he shouted, "You leave at the same speed, but I’m going to do something here." Then he ignored the two children going out, and the boy and girl dared not say much and hurried out after them.
Li Suiyun just got out of the palace gate with a flash of yoshimitsu, and then he gave a big drink and pushed his hand, but he saw a strong rush coming in. The original magnificent palace collapsed in an instant and was turned into a pile of ruins, destroying the palace that I don’t know how many years and how many people spent building it.
After all this, Li Suiyun glanced at it and scared into a ball. The fierce spirit in the eyes of virgins passed, and then he grabbed the two children and drove the clouds to the east, and I didn’t know where they were going.
The boy and the girl looked at each other, but they didn’t know what to say. It took a long time before they felt unprecedented fear. They hugged each other and cried together, but they were too scared to get over it and realized that they had finally escaped.
Li Suiyun destroyed Wa Palace and immediately went to Yan Tribe. His heart was clear that the river map and Luo were all rare things. He didn’t want to give these magic weapons to Nu Wa Empress in vain. He also had his own calculations. Since he wanted these two magic weapons, he had to seek misfortune first, and he didn’t need to pay attention to the other side. He first took the magic weapon from Yan Emperor and then waited for him. That Nu Wa would naturally come to him.
He is also a bold man, and the road is fast, but it takes only a moment to go directly to the place where Emperor Yan is located, but he sees that the Yan clan is gearing up and there are hundreds of elite exchanges to patrol.
When Li Suiyun saw such a situation, he knew that Emperor Yan was on guard against Gongsun Xuanyuan. There was a smile in his eyes, but he also knew the identity of the other party when he saw Li Suiyun.
Shennong personally went out to the Dazhai to welcome Li Suiyun into the tent, so he divided the host and guest and sat down. Shennong did not dare to take the seat, so he gave Li Suiyun the seat, sitting on the side with a respectful attitude.
Li Suiyun knew that his mind was slightly thoughtfully and immediately smiled. "Now Xuanyuan’s strength is big and Zhang is sealed by heaven as the Yellow Emperor. You are even, and now you are defeated by Chiyou. After Zhang Jiu, you will be in trouble."
Emperor Yan heard this and got up and knelt down in a sad voice. "What the real person said is true, but Gongsun Xuanyuan is earth and hateful. My daughter Jingwei is nine times out of ten. He has caused me nothing to do with the heaven. Naturally, the heaven doesn’t like it. Now the situation is in crisis. My family may be annexed by the other party at any time. Please ask the real person to make my decision to save my inflammatory family from fire and water."
After hearing this, Li Suiyun changed his face slightly thoughtfully and remained silent. He thought for a moment before saying, "This statement is wrong. Although I can help you for a while, I can’t help you for a lifetime. At this time, I can protect your Terran patriarch. What’s the matter? After all, XuanYuanShi won the support of heaven, and it’s really tough. Sooner or later, it will replace you. Is your successor worse than him? Besides, I have no intention to help. "
Emperor Yan listened to this and hesitated for a long time before saying, "I don’t want him to be so rampant. He has killed my daughter and taken the Terran position. The Terran will fall into his hands sooner or later and become a vassal of heaven. It is earth again …"

"There is a demon emperor in the Tai ‘a Mountains?"

Wu Daozun asked.
The tiger nodded and said, "There are ten blood butterfly demon emperors in the whole East Wilderness. If it weren’t for the blood butterfly demon emperor’s fighting power, he would have been unable to stay up against the East Wilderness. What happened to the boss?"
Wu Daozun didn’t explain a little thoughtfully and took the tiger three people across the heavy card guards and directly landed in front of the largest palace in the front palace group.
His divine knowledge can easily capture the strong breath of two emperors in this palace!
In the main hall, there are dozens of demon kings of different shapes on both sides of the main hall besides sitting in the most powerful place with two emperors.
At the moment when Wu Daozun just arrived, the two emperors in the palace stopped talking and looked over here.
"What person!"
See budo honour four people stepped into the hall on both sides of the lich king drink a look bad.
"Meet the demon king."
The tiger quickly came out and bowed to the demon kings and explained, "One of our own!" "
"The three of us are Gai Yu, the demon general, and this is our sworn brother who is also here to help us."
I heard a strange look on the face of the lich king around here.
They smell speech to relax and look at the four faces of budo Zun with a smile.
The tiger smiled and said with a sigh of relief when he saw that all the demon kings had removed their hostility. "I came here this time to visit the demon emperor of Tianwu and have something important to tell."
"I am"
The man on the far left slowly said.
The tiger’s spirit sank, saying, "Tell the demon emperor Gai Yu of Tianwu that the demon king has just prepared to betray the Eastern Wilderness and submit to Cang, and several demons have been killed there to deter other demons in the future and let us submit together!"
The demon emperor of Tianwu raised his eyebrows slightly and seemed surprised to ask, "Is there such a thing?"
While talking about the demon emperor Tianwu, he looked at the man beside him.
This man looks a little weird, and his neck has two animal heads, and his eyes are fierce
The double-headed beast Tianwu Yaodi glances at each other and smiled at the same time.
The tiger said, "We four brothers ventured here because we guessed that there might be more than Gaiyu in the Tai ‘a Mountains, and there might be other countries where the demon king defected. Please ask the demon emperor to prepare early."
"How did you live?"
The demon emperor of Tianwu suddenly asked, "Gai Yu, a waste, didn’t kill you?"
"We …"
The tiger’s heart sank and vaguely felt that something was wrong with the demon emperor Tianwu’s hualiyouhua.
Not only the demon emperor Tianwu, but also the reaction of all the demon kings around him is a little strange.
Hearing the news he just said, dozens of demon kings showed a touch of sarcasm and ridicule instead of being surprised.
Wu Daozun never spoke from the moment he stepped into the hall.
At this point he finally asked a question.
"Tianwu Demon Emperor, who are you around?"
Wu Daozun stared at the most square day in the hall, and Wu Yaodi slowly opened his mouth.