
1. **营养价值高**:禾虫含有丰富的蛋白质,占干重的60%以上,氨基酸种类齐全且比例协调,包括人体必需氨基酸。此外,它还含有多种脂肪酸,特别是多不饱和脂肪酸,对于维持身体健康非常有益。



2. **滋补功效**:禾虫性寒,味甘、咸,具有滋阴降火、清肺补虚、补血壮阳的功效。它能增强人体内胆固醇的排泄,抑制内源性胆固醇的合成,从而有助于降血脂和预防动脉粥样硬化。

3. **男性前列腺保健**:禾虫对于男性前列腺具有重要的保健功能,有助于维护男性健康。

4. **预防和辅助血栓性疾病**:禾虫富含纤维蛋白溶解酶、纤维酶原激活物、胶原酶等,具有预防和辅助脑血栓、心肌梗塞等血栓性疾病的功能。

5. **补脾益胃**:禾虫具有补脾益胃、益气生血、通利小便的功效,适用于脾气虚、血虚、贫血、小便不利等症状。


6. **食疗作用**:禾虫可用来治疗阴虚盗汗、肺虚咳喘、妇女产后乳汁不足等症状。对于神经衰弱、小儿脾虚或干燥等症,食用禾虫加姜片煲瘦肉汤也有一定疗效。

7. **消肿**:禾虫还具有消肿的功效,可以用于治疗身体浮肿等症。

8. **食用多样**:禾虫的食用方法多种多样,如焗、煎、炒、蒸、煮等,在粤地尤其受欢迎,如钵仔生焗禾虫、禾虫煲莲藕眉豆汤等。



1. **茅草根**:
– **止血凉血**:茅草根可以用来治疗因血热妄行导致的出血症状,如吐血、鼻出血、尿血等。
– **清热解毒**:对于热病引起的烦渴、肺热喘急、胃热哕逆等症状有缓解作用。
– **消肿利尿**:可以用于治疗水肿、湿热黄疸、淋病、小便不利等。
– **抗氧化**:具有抗氧化作用,可以清除自由基,对酒精中毒引起的肝和脑损伤有保护作用。


– **抑菌作用**:对金黄色葡萄球菌、革兰氏阴性菌、革兰氏阳性菌、痢疾杆菌、肠炎杆菌以及各种真菌感染有抑制作用。

2. **香茅草**(又称柠檬草):
– **祛风通络**:用于治疗感冒、头痛、风湿痹痛、跌打损伤等。
– **温中止泻止痛**:对于胃痛、泄泻、腹痛等有缓解作用。


– **疏风解表**:可以发表退热,适用于感冒身热等症状。
– **食用与观赏**:作为调料用于烹饪,同时具有观赏价值,可以绿化和香化家居环境。


3. **仙茅草**:
– **补肾阳、温脾阳**:适用于肾阳不足、遗尿等症状。
– **强筋骨、祛寒湿**:用于治疗腰膝寒痛、四肢无力、寒湿关节痛等。

4. **茅草叶**:
– **祛风除湿**:用于治疗风湿筋骨痛、产后风湿痛等。



1. **心血管健康**:金骏眉茶具有舒张血管、降低血压的功效。它含有茶多酚和咖啡碱,能够降低血液中有害胆固醇的含量,增加有益胆固醇的含量,从而有助于预防心脏病和脑血管疾病。

2. **提神消疲**:金骏眉茶中的咖啡碱能够刺激大脑皮质,兴奋神经中枢,促进提神、思考力集中,使思维反应敏锐,记忆力增强。同时,它还能强化心脏搏动,加快血液循环,促进新陈代谢,帮助消除疲劳。

3. **利尿消肿**:金骏眉茶中的茶碱和咖啡碱有助于改善水湿滞留,具有较好的利尿消肿作用,适用于小便不利、水肿等症状。

4. **降低胆固醇**:金骏眉茶富含维生素C和茶多酚等抗氧化物质,这些成分可以分解胆固醇和脂肪酸,对动脉粥样硬化有辅助治疗作用。


5. **抗菌消炎**:金骏眉茶中的茶多酚和鞣酸能够作用于细菌,使细菌蛋白凝固,从而杀死细菌,对口腔发炎、咽喉肿痛等有一定的疗效。

6. **其他功效**:金骏眉茶还有助于牙齿保健,含有氟离子有助于防止蛀牙。此外,它还可能有助于调节脂肪代谢,对预防肥胖也有积极作用。






1. **收敛止血与消菌杀虫**:紫牙乌具有收敛止血的作用,对某些出血症状有一定的缓解效果。同时,它还具有一定的消菌杀虫功能,有助于预防和治疗某些感染。


2. **美容养颜**:紫牙乌中的矿物质和微量元素有助于改善皮肤状况,促进皮肤健康,从而达到美容养颜的效果。

3. **改善荷尔蒙分泌与血液循环**:紫牙乌可以刺激荷尔蒙分泌,促进血液循环,有助于改善月经不调,缓解痛经等问题。

4. **促进生殖系统健康**:紫牙乌被认为有益于人体生殖系统及相关器官的健康,能够促进细胞的再生能力,加速伤口愈合。

5. **增强机体再生能力**:紫牙乌可以增强机体再生能力,这对于伤口愈合、细胞修复等方面具有积极作用。

6. **改善内循环**:紫牙乌有助于改善人体内循环,对于因血液循环不畅引起的各种症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **润肠通便**:紫牙乌具有一定的润肠通便作用,可以帮助缓解大便干燥和排便困难。

8. **调节气血**:紫牙乌有助于调节气血,使人感到自信,有助于改善体质。


9. **促进新陈代谢**:紫牙乌可以促进身体的新陈代谢,使人更加精力充沛。

10. **缓解疲劳与压力**:佩戴紫牙乌可以缓解疲劳,改善心情,有助于平稳情绪,提升气质。

11. **按摩皮肤**:长期佩戴紫牙乌,其与皮肤的摩擦可以起到按摩作用,有助于缓解肌肉疲劳。



### 玉米皮的营养价值:

1. **膳食纤维**:玉米皮是膳食纤维的良好来源,有助于促进消化系统的健康,预防便秘。
2. **矿物质**:玉米皮中含有钾、镁、磷等矿物质,这些都是维持身体正常功能所必需的。
3. **抗氧化物质**:玉米皮中含有一定量的抗氧化物质,如多酚类化合物,有助于抵抗自由基,减少氧化应激。
4. **维生素**:虽然含量不高,但玉米皮中还是含有少量的B族维生素和维生素C。

### 玉米皮的健康益处:

1. **促进消化**:由于玉米皮富含膳食纤维,可以帮助改善消化系统的健康,预防便秘。
2. **控制血糖**:膳食纤维有助于减缓碳水化合物的吸收,对于控制血糖水平有一定的帮助。
3. **降低心血管疾病风险**:玉米皮中的纤维和抗氧化物质有助于降低血液中的胆固醇水平,从而降低心血管疾病的风险。


4. **抗氧化作用**:玉米皮中的抗氧化物质可以帮助抵抗自由基,减缓衰老过程,并可能降低某些癌症的风险。

### 注意事项:

– 虽然玉米皮具有健康益处,但由于其质地较硬,对于消化系统较弱的人来说,大量食用可能会引起不适。
– 在食用前,玉米皮应彻底清洗干净,以去除可能存在的污染物。




1. **清热解毒**:绿豆性凉,有很好的清热解毒功效,适合在夏季食用,有助于排除体内毒素,缓解中暑症状。

2. **健脾养胃**:绿豆中含有丰富的膳食纤维和蛋白质,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,改善消化功能,对于脾胃虚弱的人群有健脾养胃的作用。


3. **祛湿**:绿豆有很好的祛湿作用,对于体内湿气重的人群,如常感身体沉重、食欲不振者,食用绿豆饼可以帮助祛除体内湿气。

4. **消暑**:绿豆饼的清凉特性有助于消暑降温,是夏季消暑的好选择。

5. **补充营养**:绿豆饼由绿豆、面粉等原料制成,含有碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、矿物质、维生素等营养成分,可以为机体提供多种营养物质。

6. **抗菌抑菌**:绿豆具有一定的抗菌抑菌作用,可以帮助预防某些细菌感染。

7. **抗肿瘤作用**:绿豆中含有的某些成分具有抗肿瘤作用,对于预防肿瘤有一定的帮助。

8. **降低血脂**:绿豆中的皂苷成分有助于降低血脂和胆固醇,对于心血管健康有益。


– **肠胃虚弱者**:绿豆饼中的膳食纤维可能对肠胃虚弱者造成不适,甚至引起腹泻。
– **正在减肥者**:绿豆饼的热量较高,不适合正在减肥的人群过量食用。
– **绿豆过敏者**:对于对绿豆过敏的人群,应避免食用。


At first, the man immediately said, "This matter must be reported or if something happens to the fire Lord-"

Just as the unexpected words were being uttered, the candle suddenly went out.
The whole palace was completely quiet when the skylight spilled water like a waterfall.
"Fire Lord Lin is dead!" One of them exclaimed with eyes wide open.
"If you dare to curse the public, you will die!" Suddenly, a gust of wind came to the monk, but he was slapped and flew out of the house for more than ten feet before he could react.
Everyone looked at the candle again, but it was not completely extinguished. At its end, there was a tiny spark that was still struggling and burning, like a single spark.
But for a moment, the fire wire suddenly soared and suddenly started a prairie fire, and the whole candlelight became brighter and the fire almost overwhelmed the four sides.
When everyone turned their eyes again, they saw a man standing in front of them with the same appearance and the same dress. Who else could it be if it wasn’t the fire Lord?
Just now, the friar who was fanned out didn’t dare to say anything negative without saying a word.
"This man is called Lu Li. I have seen this man in the secret story of the Three Realms." Fire’s husband smiled coldly.
The others didn’t understand him, but they murmured, "You are the immortal body of the heart, and you have injured your respect and lost a heart flame. How dare you!"
The four flame rune embroidery on this man’s chest tells his identity, and his breath is no longer the strength of Brother Yuan Ying, but the breath of a fairy!
And the strength of this breath is uncertain, and sometimes it is like a ghost gas, and sometimes it emits Du Jie dust. It is difficult to judge if it is not a sharp eye.
"This totally damn it! However, this man does have some means. Even my slave with a burning heart has shaken him and bred a little hope, but he was finally destroyed. Well done! " His tone is confused and the others are far away from him and dare not get close.
As soon as the tone changed, he said to himself, "Hum, this alienation has been written into the secrets of the Three Realms by the stubborn old people of Kyushu League. What about the Taishan turmoil and the Kyushu war? Behind the practice of this alienation is like a native dog in my eyes!"
"Yes, yes, yes!" The other four people immediately agreed that their position in the fire law circle was not high, and whether they knew the secret was too little or not. Today, when they saw this fire, the candle fire was about to go out, but this person suddenly appeared and shocked them.
What is even more shocking is how the fire forest public repair can be compared with the fairy?
Smell this is a wan ku relying on bodhi old zu’s preference to gain power and cultivate the most, that is, the immortal realm. Only the immortal body makes people envy and envy.
Fire’ Gong is satisfied with a smile. He likes flattery most, and then he takes a step forward. The whole person is like a wind and fire. He has reached a real Ruo Xu realm, which is very severe.
When he stepped out, there was a woman who followed the woman. She was very clever and charming, and the whole person was graceful and graceful by this fire. He put his arms around her eyes and suddenly showed her lust.
Fire’ Gong laughed. "Don’t worry, Feier, you go to the Xuan Fire Hall and invite those two ling virtual war slaves out. I want to-cultivate my magical power."
Called Fei children one leng slightly surprised tunnel "male to please two ling virtual war slaves? It seems that there are people in the world who have provoked the public. This is to kill-"
Without saying much, Huolin Gong chuckled, Fei Er said lightly, "You can fight all kinds of magical powers and two virtual slaves. Even the core elder of Taikoo Gate is not your opponent easily?"
The same is a confident smile and a fair fire. "It’s true that once I went to Taikoomen, an elder with a unique skill was very angry with me. Naturally, he learned martial arts in World War I and I gained 40% of my strength in that war."
Feier quickly asked, "What’s the result?"
Fire’ Gong shook his head with disappointment. "I still slightly underestimated the Taikoo master’s 40-40 battle in the first world war, and it was finally a draw."
Fei Er’s eyes are full of surprise, but she knows very well that the Juedao Elder is not weak among the core elders of Taikoo Gate. He can make this person a draw by 40%, so it is not difficult to make two Ling Xuxiu once his magical power is achieved!
In the eyes of the strange light, the fire flashed, and our public laughed. "This time, I would also like to thank the land for giving me an epiphany. This time, I will be successful in uniting the avatar. I will kill the land first, and then I will marry Younger! Fire Dance School Sister, you can’t escape from my palm after all. Haha-"This is even more true in his eyes. I don’t know whether it is hatred or lust.
He then disappeared with a flash of fire, but Fei Er rarely showed displeasure, but eventually shook his head and ran to the mysterious fire hall.
When the Three Boundaries of Fairy and Magic Wars were in turmoil, the first six dharma circles of ice law suddenly appeared. Among them, the five dharma circles remained in the dark to turn the tide and stabilize the situation. However, when these dharma circles were vertical and horizontal, the Kyushu Alliance declined and turned to collapse, and there were secrets in it.
Among the four dharma protectors in the fire dharma circle, Suzaku’s dharma protector Younger’s fire dance, how is it connected?
However, it is difficult to know that you have offended a terrible person in the form.
Lu Li didn’t know it was a doppelganger, because his body and soul were all intact and missing, unless he was mysterious, he could find clues by repeatedly probing his right eye.
But it’s a pity that Lu Li didn’t fully spy on the soul of the fire Lord with his right eye, otherwise he would have a chance to find the difference.
After confessing to slaying Huo Lin Gong, Lu Li did not take this person to heart, but temporarily slowed down and found a former site of Kyushu Alliance Fentan to inquire.
He wants to find a map, or more accurately, a map of power distribution. During the fairy war, the distribution of power in Kyushu will change every ten days and a half. It is common that power rises, sects decline and families fall.
If we can find a recent map of power distribution, we can choose the easiest way to reach Taikoo Gate as soon as possible.
Chapter 33 Brothers and sisters
Looking for it in the old site, but the result is disappointing Lu Li.

There is no doubt that the word extinction alone will describe the value of Yin Li Cao incisively and vividly! Even if it’s not three, even five, six or nine, it’s already extinct, and its unique value in the world is hard to estimate!

"I can’t believe that the heavenly father’s protector has such a long-lost thing as yin and grass! It really surprised me and sighed! " The master of Datura walked slowly forward to caress the blade of grass, which seemed to soothe his lover’s body.
"Alas, Datura master has made the same old mistake again." The master of plough covered his face with a strong tone.
The owner of Tianlong Hospital also looks like Nai. He misses the main reserve of Datura Hospital! Keep the image of Tianguang Temple! However, after knowing the owner of Datura House in the past, he clearly dismissed this unrealistic idea.
Gold Chelsea see Hu-day a face of strange color gently smile to explain.
From what she said, Hu Tian learned that the master of Datura Hospital was a high-level cultivation madman. He was the best at cultivating fire, natural materials and treasures in Tianguang Temple. It has always been his pride to have a large group of carefully cultivated Datura flowers in his hospital.
Datura courtyard owner’s eyes are flickering. Looking at the front, the grass is slightly dark, and the grass leaves feel the special touch in their hands. The waves are rolling and rolling in their hearts.
Even if there is no hostility, Godsworn Yuan’s eyes also contain a heavy pressure. It is already very good for these two little Godsworn then to have such a performance.
From this, we can see that the overall strength of Junma clan is not underestimated.
In a short time, the two monks then finally selected two plants of Yinli grass. In the unexpected eyes of Tianguang Temple, they reached out and uprooted these extinct Yinli grass directly.
"What are you doing! ? Stop it, it’s a shadow! " When the master of Datura saw this, his eyes suddenly stared straight and roared like thunder.
He suddenly and consciously moved Yuan Shenwei’s pressure, and immediately plopped the two monks then directly to the ground.
"Master Datura, what are you doing!" Hu-day didn’t come out, but the owner of Tianlong Hospital looked ugly and sank to drink a way first.
The master of Datura suddenly woke up with a bitter smile, turned around and made a Buddha’s salute to Hu Tianhang. "I just lost my manners, and I beg the dharma protector of King Kong to forgive me. This is an extinct plant. Don’t ruin it like this!"
He is sincere and earnest with a vibrato, which makes people know that he is heartbroken at this time.
"Datura courtyard owners have compassion and love for all things. This feeling is respectable. How can she blame Hu? However, the owner of Datura seems to have misunderstood that these two people are practicing the "Everything grows", which can sacrifice natural materials and treasures. It is not intended to destroy the yin and leave the grass by relying on special plants, "Hu Tian explained with a slow smile.
The owner of the mandala hospital can’t help but be surprised and suspicious. "Everything grows"? What? I’ve never heard of such a skill. Father, don’t lie to me. "
"What good can I get by deceiving you, Datura master? Let’s just let you two sacrifice the yin and leave the grass on the spot and let your hospital owners have a good look. "Hu-day ordered the two then people to drop their eyes to the ground.
"It’s according to the orders of the heads of families." The two monks then looked at each other and wiped their foreheads with sweat, trembling and offering sacrifices to the grass.
A beautiful real yuan surged out of their bodies like running water, and the light waves slowly merged into the yin and grass, which gradually became transparent and quickly melted into liquid and flowed back to the two monks along the real yuan.
Look at the two monks’ faces, excited expressions, and doubt that the sacrifice was successful.
"Interesting. It’s amazing that this" Everything grows hair "is similar to my" Medicine King Dan Huo Jing "and can transform the special spiritual force of plants into the two seas of qi and blood."
Hu-day, as can’t help but slightly shake. I didn’t expect the Datura master to have such a sharp eye that he saw through the quality at once.
"You try to attack me?" The master of Datura looked at the two monks in front of him with great interest and suddenly made this request.
Where did the two then dare to shake their heads and look scared to Brother Yuan Shen?
Hu-day’s idea of Bai Datura House is simply to say, "You two just sacrificed Yin and left the grass to attack the Lord of Datura House, and then went to the clan to make a reward for each spiritual weapon."
Hearing that their heads of families personally ordered a spiritual reward, the two then clansmen’s eyes suddenly lit up and their faces lit up, and immediately they both slapped the mandolin.
At once, two emerald true elements surged and rolled in the palm of your hand to form two balls of light the size of a baby’s head, which directly hit the master of Datura Hospital.
The green light explodes into two plants, which seem to be true elements, and quickly spreads all over the master of Datura Hospital, eroding the protective power of Godsworn Yuan.
The owner of Datura felt that his mana was constantly being swallowed up and the speed was getting faster and faster, and the shade was getting stronger and stronger. His face was not worried, but he cried, "Good skill! What is the achievement method of giving full play to the characteristics of yin and grass? "
This time, before Hu-day’s mouth was full of Zhu Fu, he proudly grabbed, "This is a four-level digital achievement method created by my parents."
"Level 4, and so on. This is the heavenly father’s dharma. Did you create it yourself?" Datura courtyard owner reacted and looked at Hu-day’s face in surprise.
Not only he but also the owner of Tianlong Hospital and the owner of plough Hospital, Golden Queer, looked at Hu-day in amazement.
Hu-day touched his nose and said, "I can’t hide it, but the mother of Huansha Mine is really here, but it can be kept secret."
The abbot of Datura paid homage to Hu Tian with folded hands, saying, "I don’t want the heavenly father to protect the truth, but it is really admirable for me to cultivate everyone to create such a skill!"
"Where I this is also based on the original blue dome sent town sent achievement method" fairy guide tactic "add some luck and light to accidentally create and mandala hospital owner you" medicine Wang Dan fire tactic "is still a short distance" Hu-day modest way.
This is from the bottom of my heart, modest because he would not have been able to create this achievement if the mother of Huansha Mine had not killed him.
All the people are great monks of Yuan God, and naturally they can distinguish between true feelings and false feelings. After listening to his words, they are not moved by sincerity.

I’d rather not get up and say, "I’ve never heard the sound of driving. I thought it wasn’t an old friend who couldn’t notice anything before you spoke."

After that, he sighed, "Lu gradually came back with you again. Then Princess Oichi was arrested by the Thousand Gods Sect, and the Thousand Gods Sect was the first swordsman in Japan. It is by no means that Lu gradually can deal with it. The Thousand Gods Sect has been defeated by the cabinet. So it is a cabinet to stop me from robbing slaves?"
Although he didn’t see it with his own eyes, he was nine times out of ten worthy of Oda Nobuyuki and the wizard of the Ministry of Fire.
When Li Zhichang heard this, he knew that he was a martial artist and a wise man no matter how little. He casually said, "This Xicheng District is full of talented people, and Zuo Feiqing is already a first-class figure. Although you are not a martial artist, you are smarter than him, but you know the autumn just because you are blind. If you concentrate on martial arts, you will be afraid of refining God in the future."
Chapter 19 Folding plum
I’d rather not sigh, "It’s really a blessing for me to meet two experts who are trying to refine my mind in one day."
Li Zhichang actually knew Zuo Fei Qing Ranning, but there were some surprises in his heart, but none of them. He confirmed that Li Zhichang was a master of refining gods and virtual level, which made his heart stormy.
Li Zhichang was also a little surprised. "What did you say?"
I’d rather not be disappointed. "I said I had met a master of refining gods before."
He has been practicing penance for dozens of years without even touching the threshold of refining his spirit. One day, he met two people who were still refining their spirit and told him not to be surprised or discouraged.
The divine light in Li Zhichang’s eyes passed. "He must not be a monk."
Fish monk flatly didn’t come to see Ning. What’s more, he still needs rest to ensure the danger, even though his old injury has gone.
It’s better not to say "definitely not"
He listened to this sentence and Li Zhi often said that it must be a fish monk. I didn’t expect Li Zhichang to have anything to do with the fish monk, which really made him unexpected
However, it is not too strange to talk about how they know each other when the gods are still imaginary.
Li Zhichang leisurely said, "It’s as good as’ refining the spirit is still empty’. Even if Daoji, a road trainer, has come to this step, it may not be a natural enemy for ten years. Tell me how old he is, what martial arts he is practicing and what it is to find you."
I’d rather not be a little sad. "How can I know how old he is? Besides, his voice has been disguised. I can’t tell whether he is a man or a woman. Besides, he stopped me. I didn’t react when I finished, and I didn’t know what martial arts he was. Besides, although he didn’t hurt me, he took four scrolls from me."
He has been poor for more than ten years, and finally God pays off. After paying the price of a pair of eyes, he got four portraits of the deputy ancestor, but he didn’t expect to be taken away by one person, but he was able to do it.
Li Zhichang sink a way "what kind of portrait is it?"
I’d rather not nod my head and say, "It’s my portrait of the father of Xicheng, Mr. Liang Xiao, the grandfather of thoughtful birds, and his wife Hua Xiaoshuang. I don’t know where he learned that I have four portraits of my father, and I’m quite sure that I can’t hide it from him, and it’s not that he recruited the enemy to give it to him."
Li Zhichang said faintly, "What martial arts does he have?"
Then Li Zhichang suddenly stretched out a hand and flicked it like a plum blossom swaying in bud, but the angle, speed and timing of his hand were incredible. Moreover, his hand was sharp and vicious, and he looked natural and unrestrained when he didn’t make a hand.
Even if Nobuhiko Oda doesn’t know martial arts, he can’t help but coincide.
That ning is not aware that the shoulder well point was seized as soon as the warning signs in his heart rose.
After he was blind, the rest of his senses became extremely sensitive, but it was not until Li Zhichang took hold of his shoulder well that he felt induction, which was not the most surprising thing for him.
Because of Li Zhichang’s strength after holding his shoulder well point, his sense of touch is exactly the same as that of that man
Then he felt a hot current and a cold current flowing out from the other hand at the same time, and then he felt his shoulders wet like water seeping out.
He said with horror, "Your moves just now seem to be exactly the same as that man’s, even when he stopped me."
Li Zhichang said coldly, "I just simulated the scene where you met that person, and by the way, I helped you to remove the life and death symbol." He had a profound view of kung fu in the art of heaven and earth, and he knew autumn through heart deduction and roughly simulated the scene where he would rather not meet that person.
I would rather not say, "What life and death symbol?"
Li Zhichang said, "If you have been planted with the life-and-death symbol of the Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, if you are still a virtual master or have strange kung fu, then the pain will not be better than the dark robbery. The so-called’ life-and-death symbol’ means that once you are planted, you can’t be the most vicious hidden weapons in this world."
I would rather not sink. "If you can dissolve the life and death symbol, then you can plant it?"
Li Zhichang said, "Of course, but I still despise these things. No one can live a good life after lying in front of me. You might as well try."
I’d rather not give me a wry smile. "Then now you finally know that I’m not lying."
Li Zhichang eyebrows slightly jumped back and said, "Of course I know, but I don’t understand who that person is. Now I don’t even know who he is. When he stopped you, it was Tianshan Folding Plum Hand, a martial art that can transform the unarmed martial arts of heaven into it. It can be said that you can never practice the end of kung fu. He caught you. It is a mixture of twenty-five kinds of martial arts. I am afraid that you can see so much in this world, except for me, it is only two or three people at most. He gave you a kind of life and death symbol, and it is even more difficult to simply refine the gods and
In fact, Li Zhichang didn’t say one thing. How could there be a second person in this world who had studied the Tianshan broken plum hand? He wanted to give Hua Xiaoshuang this martial arts. Unfortunately, Hua Xiaoshuang was kind enough to see that this martial arts was too biting, and he refused to learn from Li Zhichang. He also listened to his martial arts and stopped Tianshan broken plum hand. Since he didn’t learn another one, he could sum up what disciples could do.
Therefore, this martial arts can never appear in this world. If the man learns this, he is puzzled. Is there anyone who can get out of the Jin Yong world?
This kind of thing seems incredible to him, because whether Zhang Sanfeng can get out of it or not can explain why others have such things unless the other side has the help of a similar mysterious stone room
He is not surprised that other people have mysterious stone chambers, but he is sure that that person has not achieved anything, because he can still find the ghosting of that person from his body. If the other person is really a series figure with him, there will never be any trace.
Rather than indecision, "wouldn’t that man be comparable to the duke?"
Chapter 20 mending the sky and robbing the hand
"Wan Gui-zang has been trained to travel around six virtual skills, even if he has not reached the realm of refining virtual Dao, it is not common to refine virtual Dao. Otherwise, people’s strength can be dealt with even if they practice to refine virtual Dao and three or four refined gods are still besieged by virtual experts. This is called human resources sometimes." Li Zhichang is a smile.
I’d rather not think of the fact that Wan Gui-Tibet’s Three Signs of East Island was indeed a close match with the enemy’s four statues of East Island. At that time, the island king failed to stop Wan Gui-Tibet for a moment.
This power really makes him afraid every time he dreams back at midnight.
At the same time, he thought of Li Zhichang’s words, which seemed to be priceless to the Lord, and talked about’ refining the virtual road’, just as usual. Is this man more terrible than the duke? He couldn’t help but move at the thought.
Li Zhichang said, "You are a wise man, and now the situation is better than others. Let me ask you what’s the secret of the portrait of your ancestor?"
It’s better not to say, "can the Lord give everyone else a break?"
Nobunaga Oda spilled a smile and said, "Since Mr. Ning said he dared not do it."
He waved his hand and didn’t even leave flies here.
I’d rather not continue, "Please also ask the Lord to leave."
Nobunaga Oda smells a smile, and Shi Shiran walks away. No one doubts that Imagawa Yoshimoto hasn’t retired. He hasn’t done it yet. He is still willing to give it to the people he must lead.
What’s more, Oichi seems to have something important to say to him. By the way, he would like to ask what happened to Oichi. He doesn’t seem to care about Oichi on the surface, but he can’t taste the first sister in his heart.
But now that he has made too many enemies, the more he shows concern for Oichi, the more he can cause a lot of trouble for Oichi, so he has given her a lot of cold shoulder this year.

"The old man whose treasure was stolen can’t escape. It was written by the king, but he didn’t get rectification. Although this time he was told to be possessed, the Wangs’ trend and wealth were great, and this possessed medicine was not without it. Maybe in a few days, this little man will recover. No, it is because these two people have been tossing and turning to this extent that I have eaten mosquitoes all night, but I can’t swallow this tone." With that, Jade Duxiu turned her wings and went to the temple.

Look at me, two children in front of the gate of Fengdian. I’ll look at you. You look uneasy. I don’t know that my elders, princes, suddenly became possessed, and at the same time, they became possessed. This is too strange.
"Why don’t you go to the maharaja’s residence and send a message to the servant or inform Wang Jiayi? Otherwise, the Wangs will seriously investigate it in the future, even if there is no good fruit for you and me." A child said.
Another boy waved his head. "I’m not going to do this kind of thing. I’m not going. Why don’t you go to this unlucky thing and let me do it?"
"If you don’t go, who will go? Who borrowed a 300-year-old elixir from me? If you don’t go, return it to me." The child stared at the eyebrow eye.
Another child’s little face suddenly pulled up and said with a sad face, "I’ll go. Can’t I go? It’s such a bad thing. You need to give me benefits when I go, or do you want to offset it with this 300-year-old panacea?"
Another child shook his head first, then thought for a moment, but nodded. "No matter whether your fortune is worth it, my 300-year-old elixir is what you want to pay off. I don’t know if you have to wait until the date of birth, it’s better to let you do something in front of you."
Seeing this boy, he promised to come. Another boy said happily, "Okay, okay, I’m going. I’m going."
Said the brisk pace ran towards the king from home.
Coming back head-on, Jade Duxiu was about to find a way to force out the residence written by the king. I didn’t expect that when I was sleepy, a pillow would automatically fall. It was so sweet of the boy to take the initiative to go to the residence written by the king.
Jade Duxiu sadly rested on children’s skirts and followed them to Wang’s residence.
Bypassing one mountain road after another, the boy came to a red brick and green tile, only to find that there was a village in this barren mountain. The village covers an area of more than ten acres in Fiona Fang, and the figure in it is so rich and prosperous that it looks like a foreign home.
The boy knocked on the door before, only to find a maid in a green robe coming out with the door half open, and said, "Who are you?"
"I’m a temple boy. Brother Wang, the master of our temple, is old. I’m here today because I have something important to ask for while I’m in charge of your villa." The boy’s face is sincere.
The woman looked at the child and then nodded. "Let’s see that you are anxious. There must be something important. I dare you to make fun of the girl. The Wangs are not vegetarians in this Taiping Road."
After that, he opened the gate to reveal the green jacket and said to the child, "Come in."
Tong thanked him for a while, but for the time being, the boy followed the servant girl all the way to the hall. This hall is luxuriously decorated without friar lightness, which the king will enjoy.
"You wait here for me to inform the housekeeper." The maid stepped out of the hall with her little boots on.
Speaking of which, let’s talk about the status of children, right?
A child is a close person around the monk. If the monk has great powers and lofty status, the identity of the child will naturally rise. If the owner’s identity is insignificant, then hehe.
It’s strange that this boy can be highly regarded by the Wangs, because he doesn’t care about the temple master at all.
Not long after, a middle-aged man with a big smile walked out of the room and held a fist at the child. "But the temple boy?"
Children nodded flattered, "it is in"
"The temple Lord recently? I don’t know if the temple master has something to tell the children to come here? " The housekeeper was all smiles.
Tong Wen’s face was bitter. "I was about to tell your village that Brother Wang, the master of our temple, suddenly became possessed and vomited blood and lost his mind."
This a housekeeper face a slightly stiff way "this is? Is this statement true? "
"I dare to guarantee my life." Tong held up his hand and vowed.
"pa!" A slap in the face of a child is red and swollen with the naked eye.
"Wastes are all wastes. My family is noble. If anything happens to you in the temple, you must be buried in the temple." Said the old man, who was too lazy to ignore the boy’s footsteps and hurried toward the door.
Watching the housekeeper go away, Tong took a long breath and touched his face. "Fortunately, it is much lighter than I expected."
Chapter 115 Kind of robbery
Looking at the pathetic Tong Yu Duxiu, he shook his head secretly. Tong’s position is the most interesting. If he meets a bullish master, such as a child who teaches his ancestors, he will naturally be too bullish. If he meets an elder in the temple, he will be in a state of decline, and the deceased will be able to look down in front of his younger brothers on weekdays. A true brother will not put it in his eyes.
Jade Duxiu is dancing in this manor. If you don’t look closely, the best room is Wang Zhuan. Jade Duxiu sneaked into Wang Zhuan’s room through a window gap.
No one in the house shows his true colors. Look around the house. It’s really a luxurious family. The younger brother is just different. This house smells a lot of herbs and has a long life.
Many years old medicinal materials will naturally give off the fragrance of medicinal materials, just like flowers, and naturally give off the fragrance. I will slap a box of jade to show off the corners of my mouth. "Boy, it’s a thousand-year-old medicinal material. This Wang Jiaguo is really extraordinary with deep pockets."
Said the jade Duxiu unceremoniously put the thousand-year-old medicinal materials into the mouth and chewed peony. Don’t talk to the jade Duxiu about what it tastes like. At this time, the Wangs may have experts coming over at any time. If you don’t eat quickly, why don’t you taste like eating slowly?
There are ten medicinal materials in total, each of which has a thousand years of maturity. Even though the Wangs are a big family, after several years of accumulation, don’t forget that in these hundreds of years, the Wangs have to consume resources to cultivate masters, which is the essence of the Wangs.
It’s not bad to add ten plants and other medicinal materials consumed by the younger brothers of Taiping Road in previous dynasties to leave them for Wang.
Stop-and-Go This Wang Zhuan deserves to be the elite of Wang Xiaodi’s family. There are countless kinds of Dan medicines in the room. Except Bigu Dan, the other Dan medicines, Jade Duxiu, have never been heard. Unfortunately, Jade Duxiu has never had anything, otherwise it is necessary to search all the good things in this room.
Pick and choose those Dan medicines and eat a lot of them. Jade Duxiu, who can distinguish the medicinal properties slightly, eats them. Jade Duxiu, who can’t distinguish the medicinal properties, dares not eat them. If she eats badly, there is no reason to go to all the herbs. Jade Duxiu has swallowed a plant that doesn’t deserve it. This time, even the previous year was eaten before the salary in the next few years.
Thanks to Yu Duxiu, he dare not tell his eyes. The transient gray, the red disaster and robbery force are constantly gathering here.
The fire force in the sky accumulated into a kiwi fruit in the hands of Yu Duxiu, who planted the fruit in the ground and "walked"
In a moment, the jade show disappears, and only one mosquito flies with its wings
Outside, a page walked into Wang’s room with a candle. "The lamp oil in the public house is about to burn out, and now the public is in a bad mood. I can’t let him find my fault and suffer an accident for no reason."
As he spoke, the page pushed the door and walked into the room and looked at the Dan medicine bottle with envy. Then he turned to look at the lamp that kept burning around him. This lamp was called "Chihiro lamp oil is specially made, which can last for three years without fear of wind and rain. The most important thing is that this lamp oil has a special magical effect, which can help people to be sober and attentive."
The servant carefully poured the lamp oil into the long lamp with the lamp oil in his hand, but he never saw the fire robbery, that is, the scarlet fire robbery, which instantly fell on the servant.